WW2 German leader Adolf Hitler Postcard. The postcard remains in an...
WW2 German leader Adolf Hitler Postcard. The postcard remains in an...
WW2 German leader Adolf Hitler Postcard. The postcard remains in an...
WW2 German leader Adolf Hitler Postcard. The postcard remains in an...
WW2 German leader Adolf Hitler Postcard. The postcard remains in an...
WW2 German leader Adolf Hitler Postcard. The postcard remains in an...
WW2 German leader Adolf Hitler Postcard. The postcard remains in an...
WW2 German leader Adolf Hitler Postcard. The postcard remains in an...
You can acquire this World War II...
You can acquire this World War Two period – German silver ring with sharp details in a good condition.
You can acquire this World War Two period – German silver ring with sharp details in a good condition.
You can acquire this World War II period - German Rotes Kreuz silver ring with sharp details in a good condition. Very unusual design with detailed relief. It`s weight 8.84 grams. Silver (tested).
You can acquire thisWorld War II period-German Red Cross silver ring with sharp details in a good condition. It`s weight 11.38 grams. Silver (tested)
You can acquire this World War II period - German Deutsches Rotes Kreuz silver ring with sharp details in a good condition. Very unusual design with detailed relief. It`s weight 8.19 grams. Front dimensions 13.8mm. X 11.6mm.